Monday, September 29, 2008

In Case You're Wondering...

I am now Lady Lurkington.
I have an affinity for animal hides and war paint, with braids in my hair and feathers in my braids.
I lurk the night on a black horse.
I smoke only Gitanes Blondes cigarettes and let the smoke curl around my abnormally small fingers embellished in gold rings. My hand is complete with a mangled pinky finger that got ravished in a wild cougar encounter in the mountains of Transylvania.
I roll with my co-captain, Lord Lurkington.
The Clyde to my Bonnie.
He carries a cane and wears a monacle and cape combo.
When he is feeling noble, he puts on an academic suit and writes haiku + occasional novella.
We have an elderly foul-mouthed female assistant who happens to be a hunchback.
She acts as the official bag carrier and beverage stand (hence the hump).
We combine our stellar forces to strike fear and jealousy into the hearts of our nemisises.

Now you know.
And knowing is half the battle...


Thursday, September 25, 2008

well, well, well...

my roommate decided to finally come around tonight.

I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna break it to him that I'm moving out this weekend...


Monday, September 22, 2008

He's baaaaack!

My favorite little hoodrat strikes...again.


if you don't already know about Latarian Milton, let me introduce you...
prepare to fall in love:

and THEN:

Grand Theft Auto charges at age seven!?!? Now that's how you dream big, kids!

...and yes, Latarian, it IS fun to do bad things!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

only in dreams...

Am I the only one who wishes that real life looked and sounded like this?


I struck GOLD...

my little visit to Florida didn't only bring me sunshine, ocean and numerous Ozzie cuddle sessions. It gave me a trip down memory lane. I found all of my old diaries, journals and sketch books.

I pretty much struck gold. And it all makes sense now...

Decide for yourself... Here is just one of the many gems to come. This blog might very well turn into a Dear Diary of sorts, circa 1990-1993.

what the hell is SCRACHE?!?!


A Genuine Appreciation...

hey, YOU!

Thanks for the sweaty ear...

Ive Been Thinking featuring Cat Power - Handsome Boy Modeling School

I mean it.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

I heart FLwowrida...

So, yeah I'm on a temporary hiatus to sunny Florida. Oh boy oh boy, it's hot.

Turns out that it was Surf Expo (surf/skate trade show) this weekend in Orlando (god awful city) so I decided to take a little road trip down I-95 and over to I-4... Might as well re-teach myself how to drive! New York multitasking has trained me well: I realized that I am capable of driving, ipod DJing, drinking a cold beverage (non-alcoholic of course) AND textual harassment ALL AT THE SAME TIME.... Mom and Dad should be proud.

As per usual, it was pure insanity. So great to see all of my industry friends again. Forgot how much I missed being a part of all that. I will spare most details of the debauchery, but I DID manage to:

1. Bust my ass, in the middle of the Rosen Hotel lobby bar, in front of about 200 people, trying to carry a grown man on my back... face plant to skate deck... I should totally claim that trick! Move over T. Hawk. My left cheek is fucked. It hurts to smile. But I still gots my teeth and no blood was shed. ...oh you know, just another great decision made completely under the influence of alcohol!

2. NOT get a DUI.

3. Get called a Brooklyn hipster everywhere I went, and then befriend the only other chick from Brooklyn at that entire fucking convention. Apparently we stuck out.

4. Receive dozens of compliments on my neon pink lipstick. Yes, neon pink. Yes, I am THAT asshole who wears dayglo colored lipstick.

5. Finagle a grilled cheese sandwich dinner.... ah, sweet-talking. If it were an Olympic sport, I'd be a medalist.

6. Grow an infatuation with a little 7 year old shredding the skate ramp. I was tempted to snag him, bring him back with me and claim him as my own. But I decided to pass on the possible Amber Alert that I'd set off through the state of Florida... Giant creep status.

7. Listen to this song, on repeat, for 87 miles straight... Yup, that's right, 87 miles:

I'm tired.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Where the sidewalk ends and my heartbeats begin...

Shanghai on LSD, meets The Fifth Element, times Labrinyth, plus idiosyncratic sex appeal, divided by Australian electro pop, equals:
Empire Of The Sun - Walking On A Dream

...if only I lived in that world. Tres dreamy!
